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 Di Saib Xov Xwm |  Lub Plawv Huaikang Vigilance Npaj Kev Sib Tw Zoo Rau Kev Tuag

Di Saib Xov Xwm | Lub Plawv Huaikang Vigilance Npaj Kev Sib Tw Zoo Rau Kev Tuag

Xyoo 2023-11-28

Hnub Thursday thiab Friday ob hnub, Xiao Di ua raws tus thawj coj mus rau lub nroog teeb pom kev ncaj ncees kom kawm tau ob peb hnub, qhov tseeb, tib neeg tab tom quaj rau LED chaw ntau pob teeb nyuaj. Lub teeb Bo, lub npe tsis dhau ntau lub lag luam me, cov neeg yuav khoom txawv teb chaws kuj yog qee qhov, nrov, tab sis tsis txhob kos cov neeg tuaj saib coob. Qhov twg yog txoj kev uas txhua lub tuam txhab yuav tsum xav txog qhov. backpfrontp tib yam Renqihenwang Golden Globe thiab engineering LED chaw ntau pob teeb pom kev zoo micro tsab ntawv pov npav. Hnub Monday tom ntej (10.26) yog hnub kawg, txhua tus koom nrog kev xaiv ntawm cov tuam txhab muaj kev sib tw, thiab tsis muaj kev poob qis. Tseem muaj kev sib cais pem hauv ntej. Di tsis muaj zog tsis muaj zog hais, thiab gas wealth ah. Qhov khoom plig no yog los tawm tswv yim, qib siab ntawm cov koom haum ua lag luam loj tshaj plaws kom muaj kev ncaj ncees thiab ncaj ncees. Ib txhia los yog qhib los yog veiled ua ntawm txhuam, thov tso tseg, yog vim li cas kuv yuav tsum tau siv cov nyiaj, txawm li cas los xij, tus txhuam hniav ntawm kev xaiv tsa yuav raug muab tshem tawm \u0026 hellip; \u0026 kub; backpfrontp 1, Harmony 109,000,000 Holdings Qingdao Jensen backpfrontp nkaus xwb nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj Beijing tuav peb lub rooj tsavxwm tshiab teev photoelectric kev sib haum xeeb tswb ceremony, lub tuam txhab teev yuav sai sai no coj kom zoo dua ntawm tej yam kev mob, nrhiav tau ntawm ntu ntawm cov kws txawj, nthuav lawv cov lag luam, txhim khu lawv. kev sib tw. backpfrontp yuav siv peev leveraging nws txoj kev loj hlob yog deb tshaj li kev sib haum xeeb, ntoo Linsen, Hongli thiab lwm cov tuam txhab teev npe twb tau qhia txog kev hnov ​​​​ntxhiab tsw thiab kev ua haujlwm zoo hauv qhov no. mergers thiab acquisitions no tshaj plaws, yuav nrhiav tau lawv tus kheej ua si, qhov ntau ua si qhov ntau du, yuav tsis ua si ntawm tsuas yog ntxhov siab vim. backpfrontp thiab acquisitions xyoo no, ntau thiab ntau cov neeg, tej nkoj nquam Columbia kwv yees tus nqi ntawm mergers thiab acquisitions ntawm domestic high-power LED dej nyab lub teeb kev lag luam nyob rau hauv 2015 yuav ntau tshaj 20 billion yuan, ntau tshaj peb zaug xyoo tas los. backpfrontp dab tes yog txiav cov nqi LED txo cov txiaj ntsig, ntawm qhov tod tes yog cov peev kev lag luam kub (nws tsis yog, lub hnub so hauv nruab nrab niam thiab ob npaug ntawm cov paj laum kev lag luam tab tom tuaj), uas tau ua rau cov nthwv dej ntawm kev lag luam mergers thiab acquisitions. backpfrontp tsawg dua thiab tsawg tus players, leej twg tawm mus kom muaj sia nyob, raws li tus huab tais tuaj yeem pom, yuav siv zog siv peev. backpfrontp 2, txoj kev caij ntuj no los txog (Nyem mus nyeem cov ntsiab lus) backpfrontp dhau los? 'Ib Zaj Nkauj Ice and Fire \u0026 middot; Kev ua si ntawm Thrones, 'ib tug phooj ywg xav tias nyob rau lub caij ntuj no txias tab tom tuaj txog cov kab lus no tau qhuas. Cov kab lus no yog Northern Territory Stark tsev neeg motto: Huaikang Lub siab ceev faj, npaj txhij mus tua kom tuag ua. backpfrontp siv nyob rau hauv 1000W LED dej nyab teeb kev lag luam, kev sib tw rau kev ciaj sia, zoo li tsim nyog. backpfrontp Engineering lub koom haum ntawm kev tsim khoom thiab kev tshawb fawb LED qhov teeb lub xyoo no cov nqi yuav poob los ntawm 30%, nrog rau txoj hmoo ntawm pob khoom nrog cov cuab yeej no. Ntau tus tab tom nrhiav rau lwm qhov chaw ntim khoom lag luam, Ismail tau pib kawm cov qauv (kom paub meej, qhov thib ob thaum Lub Kaum Hli 19), Sui Jing (Shenzhen, lub xov tooj txawb xov tooj ntawm tes backlight ntaus ntawv peb lub tuam txhab npe tshiab) pib txhim kho TV backlight. Daim ntawv thov kev taw qhia tshiab ntawm cov thev naus laus zis tshiab kuj tsis muaj qhov kawg. backpfrontp teeb txuag tau tej zaum yuav ntse, pab pob yog hais txog qhov loj ntawm lub teb chaws hnub qub (Nyem mus nyeem cov ntsiab lus), Linsen nyiam. Lub npe hu ua thev naus laus zis tshiab thiab cov qauv tshiab yog ob yam tsis xav tawm hnub no, tag kis, cov nyhuv tuaj yeem ua tau. Tag nrho cov thev naus laus zis tshiab, cov qauv tshiab, peb yuav tsum tau txhawb nqa kev lag luam saw. backpfrontp lus, Xiao Di nyob rau hauv lub zos teeb Bo, ntsib ib txoj kev tshwj xeeb nyob rau hauv EMC engineering tuam txhab, tham nrog lwm tus neeg sab nrauv kuj hais tias tsis muaj peev xwm tseem ceeb. Implying Di mloog ntshai qhia koj theej qhov mus? Backpfrontp 3, LED arena teeb los txhawb lub nroog teeb pom kev lag luam raws li qhov ntsuas tau nce me ntsis (nyem mus nyeem ntxiv) backpfrontp Lub Kaum Hli 22nd lub nroog teeb pom kev ncaj ncees tsis paub muaj pes tsawg tus ntawm kuv cov npoj yaig tau mus rau qhov chaw? Me Di thiab cov npoj yaig nyob rau hauv lem rau lub sij hawm ntev nyob rau hauv lub exhibition hall, tshiab teeb tsis pom tshiab technology yog tsis pom, piv rau xyoo tas los, ib tug me ntsis poob siab. backpfrontp lub zos npau suav \u0026 middot; Zhongshan npau suav \u0026 middot; Suav Npau suav yog lub ntsiab lus ntawm qhov kev sib tham ntawm teeb pom kev ncaj ncees, qhov chaw ua yeeb yam thiab qhov tseeb pom qee qhov tsis tshua muaj peev xwm hu xov tooj rau Suav style teeb, tab sis txhawm rau qhia Suav npau suav, nws yog me ntsis deb-fetched. Raws li Bureau of Statistics cov ntaub ntawv qhia backpfrontp 2014 Guzhen Hauv Nroog cheeb tsam GDP111.2 billion teeb pom kev lag luam tso tawm tus nqi suav rau 70% ntawm lub tebchaws. Cov ntaub ntawv siab, coj gym teeb cov neeg tau lamented lub teeb yog nyob rau hauv lub npe deserved. backpfrontp rau lub hlis mus, Zhongshan, Humen Choj yuav ntsaws. Kev mus tsis ntev los no, qhov tseeb tsis yog kev tsheb khiav ceev! Xauj kuj poob zog, ntshiab ntawm micro IC tus neeg sawv cev los yuav tus nqi dips yuav luag qee lub teeb hauv lub nroog nrog lub nroog kom yeej lub khw muag khoom zoo, txoj kev puv ntsej muag Zhongshan Peb tab tom ua lag luam teeb, teeb tsa. backpfrontp Zhongshan twb muaj lawv tus kheej daim ntawv lo (tus nqi qis, tus nqi ntawm kev taug kev), thiab txhua tus yuav tsum ua lawv tus kheej txoj haujlwm, txhuam lawv cov riam phom, sib ntaus nrog tus nqi Zhongshan, ntshai tsis muaj txoj hauv kev yeej. LED siab bay teeb lub lis piam kawg ntawm lub sijhawm, kuv cov npoj yaig yuav tsum tau rov them koj cov roj teeb, mus rau Nyiv incursion. Di xav kom sawv daws noj qab nyob zoo tswm ciab. qab