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Lighting Industry Transformation Encounter The Dilemma Of The Whole Industry Chain Integration To Embrace The 'Internet +'

Lighting Industry Transformation Encounter The Dilemma Of The Whole Industry Chain Integration To Embrace The 'Internet +'


    frontp-eighth session of the Fifth Plenary Session held in Beijing, which is the focus of much attention issue five-year plan to develop thirteen. Node period coincided with China's economic transformation, the plan will be related to a specific blueprint for the future reform of the economic structure, LED stadium lights which led to various sectors of the conjecture and concern. As the implementation of the 'Made in China 2025' plan the first year, to upgrade the manufacturing sector was seen as the main focus during the five thirteen. backpfrontp According to 'China 2025,' the first stage layout, thirteen Five-Year period, will basically accomplish industrialization, manufacturing to further consolidate the status of great power,stadium lighting manufacturing information has increased significantly. Mastered a number of key areas of core technologies to further enhance the competitiveness of areas of strength, product quality has improved greatly. Manufacturing digital, networked, intelligent made significant progress. Key industries per unit of industrial added value of energy consumption,high power led flood light material consumption and pollutant emissions decreased significantly. backpfrontp This is because China's traditional manufacturing industry is facing China's economic slowdown, the impact of the Internet industry and other issues, and the need to upgrade our manufacturing enterprises shift from a manufacturing to a manufacturing power. backpfrontp lighting industry transformation predicament backpfrontp then, in the traditional enterprise seeking transition process, what the actual exploration and Outlet? Yes select fine processing or open up the whole industry chain, cross-industry or continue to broaden the market? Here to talk about two Examples from the illumination of the typical manufacturing, two different development path perhaps worth learning from. backpfrontp In recent years, countries have introduced an exit plan from incandescent to bring the 1000W LED flood light replacement tide, the lighting industry is undergoing a revolutionary new light source, and now, the increasing popularity of LED products with added lighting industry enterprises increased constantly started a price war, Meanwhile, the traditional enterprises are facing the impact of the Internet and economic downward pressure, LED lighting industry has a blue ocean red sea, business survival worrying. backpfrontp National Bureau of Statistics data show that the first half of 2015, the national RGB LED flood lighting industry total 579 loss-making enterprises, the loss was 22.18%, higher than the national loss of face light industry 8.6 percent. According to market research agency LEDinside statistics, LED average price fell 30% \u0026 mdash; 40%, industry output growth of only 2 percent, reaching $ 14.52 billion. backpfrontp State Lighting R \u0026 D and Industrial Union Deputy Secretary Geng Bo recently in an interview that the larger environment, infrastructure construction as one of the troika of investment slowed to belong to the category of building materials electrician lighting industry, the existence of shrinking market demand problems. The LED downstream application market in the product homogeneity competitive situation brought about by excessive, enterprise fragmentation and market demand, the market needs to be standardized, in the industry reshuffle stage. When the traditional lighting products to replace such a long life LED tunnel light products after a fixed market share replacement, the future market space where the concerns of the industry lies. backpfrontp the whole industry chain integration to embrace the Internet + backpfrontp CCID think tank Institute for Integrated Circuits researcher Ge Jie recently in an interview that this year's economic downturn, LED industry has also been a great impact, reflected in lower corporate profits, SME financing difficulties . With intelligent lighting development, many other industries and enterprises to enter the LED industry, resulting in overcapacity, further deterioration of the market environment. In addition, product prices, profit margins compressed. backpfrontp how to upgrade the lighting business, Geng Bo believes, on the one hand should be strengthened R \u0026 D capabilities, but should seek transformation in production, management, LED tennis court lights technology and other aspects of the business, and cultivate new market opportunities and business models. On the other hand, we are thinking how to make from the traditional to the wisdom of manufacturing, how to replace the entire market to smart lighting market. You can combine the wisdom of the city or to the concept of information technology to combine Internet +, which is the trend of industry restructuring. backpfrontp China Lighting Sharing Alliance president, Chongqing Wo Shing, chairman of the Joint Industrial Co., Ltd. Wang Shunbo is in accordance with this policy ideas to seek transformation and upgrading, he chose to start Yuxinou Railway to build the China-EU all the wisdom of light, the whole industry chain deep integration of upstream and downstream businesses, the future will be by way of cross-border electricity supplier, the manufacturing Chinese go out. Wang Shunbo think of the semiconductor lighting industry and the world go on the same starting line,LED high bay lights while China's production capacity coupled with improving the quality of the product can be exported overseas, although there is vicious competition chip packaging and wafer production, but the light-emitting areas Unlimited use of space, it can then smart city, not just the lighting and lighting from the lighting to the wisdom of community wisdom, also includes a photo display and other lifestyle changes applications. backpfrontp Ge Jie suggested upgrade LED business, one is to improve the technical level and product quality, and second, it should tap the market segments, and take different route, three are joint enterprise innovation, research and development of common technology. LED high bay lights market segments industrial symbiosis backpfrontp Geng Bo, restructuring of the industry needs technology and business model innovation-driven wheel. This round of industrial restructuring through technological innovation to solve power and hard obstacles cost, only to break this bottleneck, in order to form a real valuable products. Future market segments also make a choice lighting companies, here is full of imagination and market opportunities, such as exploring the infrared field, broaden DUV LED arena lights markets, from the application point of the photoelectric combined with agriculture, biological field, health care and so on. backpfrontp case while the LED industry merger integration of capital markets, perhaps more to illustrate the industry trend. According to relevant data show that from the beginning of the year so far, LED industry, there were nearly 30 cases from the merger integration, the overall amount of mergers and acquisitions has more than 28 billion yuan, and covers the LED industry chain. backpfrontp Recently, well-known LED chip and wafer manufacturers Harmony Technology acquisitions of domestic production of only one of Jason DUV LED Electric (previously a member of the World Bank Group, its largest shareholder IFC), a move that caused the capital markets and lighting wide attention, under blue-green light in the LED market presents the Red Sea situation, DUV LED field to open a new blue ocean is like a big health industry. backpfrontp deep ultraviolet wavelength of 100 nm light refers to 280 nanometers, with excellent bactericidal function, but also has important applications in lighting, medical, high-density information storage and confidential communications. Chairman and general manager Zhang Guohua Electric Jensen said DUV LED very wide range of applications, including disinfection of drinking water, air, beverage, pharmaceutical packaging, household refrigerators, etc., but also for disinfecting surgical instruments, photochemical catalysis, ink curing Wait. backpfrontp harmony, Chairman Liang Xudong recently in an interview that his company intends to establish harmony health large platform in Shenzhen, deep deep UV LED market. Jason Electric will DUV technology in independent research and development and innovation, and establish a leading position in the international, face DUV infinitely broad and relatively empty big healthy market, ready to help them complete harmony Technology market-oriented reform and cross, build a world-class DUV chip production base, to achieve China to create. backpfrontp At present, many famous LED chip manufacturers are still in the exploratory stage DUV chip, and the actual product landing very few achieve production scale. Harmony Technology by means of this acquisition, the big push into the medical health field, first-mover advantages. Geng Bo said. backpfrontp Geng Bo said in the past few years, the industry is accelerating the integration of capital and mergers and acquisitions, indicating the industry is accelerating the integration of the future may not only fight the brand, fight and fight channel technology, but also to fight capital strength, which is the competition in the industry resources. backp