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White Chip Sales Highs HC SemiTek 4 Percent Medium-term Revenue Growth---OAK LED Flood Lighting

White Chip Sales Highs HC SemiTek 4 Percent Medium-term Revenue Growth---OAK LED Flood Lighting


 LED chip sales grew 70.64% HC SemiTek produce a gorgeous semi-annual report over the previous year. backpfrontp August 25,stadium lights the domestic LED epitaxial chip maker HC SemiTek (300323.SZ) disclosed the 2015 semi-annual report. Reported HC SemiTek 2015 January-June operating income reached 434 million yuan, representing an increase of 42.64%;led stadium light attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 12.5695 million yuan, after deducting non-recurring gains and losses net of profit rose 207.32%. backpfrontp report shows that the first half of 2015 HC SemiTek white lighting product sales revenue hit a record high,stadium floodlights has become the industry mainstream white chip suppliers. HC SemiTek half the number of products LED chip production increased 140.10% over the previous year, sales volume growth of 70.64 percent over the previous year.high-power-led-flood-light With the Suzhou subsidiary backpfrontp a construction project, the HC SemiTek production capacity has been significantly improved, the capacity of the drive to enhance the company's sales volume, sales revenue and operating profit compared to last year has greatly improved,1000W-led-flood-light especially in the second quarter significant. backpfrontp Of particular concern is the blue chip sales growth reached 79%, consolidated gross profit margin blue-green chip is 26.36%. backpfrontp HC SemiTek subsidiaries (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. net profit reached 26.2435 million yuan.RGB-LED-flood-light backpfrontp chip bigger and stronger company insist on the implementation of the established business strategy, and actively promote the construction of production lines in Suzhou subsidiaries, two red and yellow light projects the gradual release of production capacity, to achieve full-color display market supporting sales,led-bay-light product performance reached advanced domestic level, further consolidating the company's dominant position in the display market. HC SemiTek side said that three projects in Suzhou subsidiary has been gradually releasing some capacity, a total of three projects and the scale of production at the end of the month the second quarter broke the 70,000 mark 4 inches sheet. backpfrontp just past August 11,led-arena-light HC SemiTek Notice to be paid through the issuance of shares and cash to buy Yunnan Hua Technology Co., Ltd. 100% stake in aquamarine. backpfrontp raised 600 million yuan set by first used to pay 154 million yuan in cash to the counterparty on the price, invested 324 million yuan for the same time after completion of the acquisition of technology for replenishment of aquamarine and aquamarine technology investment projects; the remaining part by HC SemiTek to supplement working capital. backpfrontp this to raise matching funds for the capital increase of 324 million yuan in Yunnan aquamarine it will be used for the construction of two projects aquamarine science and technology,led-road-light respectively, a single crystal substrate LED chip industry projects and sapphire window materials, new product development and application projects. Which, LED single crystal substrate sheet industrial projects to raise funds to 294 million yuan,gym-lights sapphire window materials, new product development and application support for this project intends to use funds raised 30 million yuan. backpfrontp LED production and research, according to the Institute of Engineering (GGII) survey data show that HC SemiTek MOCVD machine has already reached 108 units. The HC SemiTek epitaxial silicon continues to expand production capacity, acquisitions Yunnan aquamarine solve the most important problem of raw materials, but also opened up on the HC SemiTek LED upstream industry chain,led arena light key ring. backpfrontp HC SemiTek admits, not only for the company's acquisition of aquamarine obtain a reliable core substrate material security of supply, but also for the company's future opportunities to explore the market for consumer electronics applications markets provide an important foundation (sapphire material is important handset products Window glass screen material and potential alternative materials). backp