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Omeletse ho ea ka Moputso oa Optical 1077 Limilione tse Leshome tsa Yuan tsa Litšehetso tsa LED Epitaxial Wafers Bakeng sa Tlhahiso ea Botala bo Botala.

Omeletse ho ea ka Moputso oa Optical 1077 Limilione tse Leshome tsa Yuan tsa Litšehetso tsa LED Epitaxial Wafers Bakeng sa Tlhahiso ea Botala bo Botala.


Lebone la lebala la LED zhuangao Xiamen le omme ho latela optical amohela Xiamen Torch Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee (eo ka mor'a moo e bitsoang Xiamen Torch CMC) ea lithuso tsa pene ea bohlano tse etsang RMB 10,777,500.00 yuan matsatsing a morao tjena. Kakaretso ea lithuso e ipapisitse le Khampani le Xiamen Torch Zone e saenetse tumellano ea 'Investment Agreement', 'me hamorao k'hamphani e ile ea sebelisa ho tšehetsa tlhahiso ea thepa ea MOCVD e putsoa, ​​​​e tala e tala e tla fana ka eona. Tumellano ena e bile kopano ea bobeli ea k'hamphani ea Kopano ea Leshome le Borobeli ea Boto ea Batsamaisi le khamphani ka Kopano e Akaretsang ea Bobeli ea Bobeli e sa Tloaelehang ea 2014. Ntle le moo, 'k'hamphani e mabapi le tokiso ea matla a boputsoa le botala bo phahameng ba LED ea likhohola tse khanyang tsa epitaxial wafers le chip project investment scale of the motion' e bile karolo ea bobeli ea k'hamphani ea Kopano ea Mashome a Mabeli ea Boto ea Batsamaisi le k'hamphani ka 2014 ea Boraro. Kopano e Akaretsang e Akaretsang. ho latela lipehelo tse amehang tsa 'Enterprise Accounting Standards', 1000W led flood light e boletse hore litefo tsa lithuso li tiisitsoe e le lekeno le chechiselitsoeng morao ha li amoheloa, le bophelo bo tloaelehileng ba phaello kapa tahlehelo e amanang le eona. Mantsiboeeng a la 24 Phato, khanya ea high Bay e omme ho latela optical e senotse tlaleho ea selemo sa 2015. E tlalehiloe ka 2015 ho tloha ka Pherekhong ho isa Phuptjane khamphani e fihletse chelete ea ts'ebetso ea li-yuan tse limilione tse 221, keketseho ea 11.24%; phaello e hlahisitsoeng ke beng ba likhamphani tse thathamisitsoeng ho li-yuan tse limilione tse 24.3439, lebone la kotopo le theohetse liperesente tse 48.33. backpfrontp dry ho ea ka photoelectric o ile a re keketseho ea phaello letlooa le offset depositi ea banka le chelete e kenang ea lichelete ho nyoloha ka bohale fokotseha ka litšenyehelo tsa morero e haholo-holo e thehiloeng LED arena leseli chip debugging ho tlhahiso ea boima ho tloha tshebetso ya katoloso e bontša hore hona joale omileng ho ea ka optical ka tlatsetso e ikarabellang Yangzhou khubelu, mosehla LED epitaxial wafers le diporojeke tsa tlhahiso dichipisi, Xiamen motsoali k'hamphani e ikarabellang bakeng sa putsoa le botala LED seterateng mabone a epitaxial wafers le diporojeke tsa indasteri ea chips, e le hore k'hamphani motsoali ka Xiamen, Yangzhou mong le e mong ka tlaasana. e tsepamisitse maikutlo ho nts'etsopele le tlhahiso ea mebala e fapaneng ea LED epitaxial wafers le chips. sesebelisoa sa ho rera backpfrontp Xiamen blue and green RGB LED flood light epitaxial wafers and chips project khamphani e se e qalile ho fihla le ka mor'a ho lokisa mekhahlelo e meng butle-butle ea tokollo ea matla a tlhahiso. Ha e le nakong ea tlaleho, projeke ea "epitaxial wafers" e putsoa le e tala ea LED e entsoe ka bongata. mokokotlo