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5 Trillion Yuan Market 'gold Mine' Of Listed Companies In Transition Sports Industry---stadium Floodlights

5 Trillion Yuan Market 'gold Mine' Of Listed Companies In Transition Sports Industry---stadium Floodlights


 sports industry With the recent drastic reforms, restructuring of listed companies have also rushed to the stadium lights industry, in order to tap its 5 trillion yuan market gold mine.Have the layout of the sports industry July 31, China won the 2022 Winter Olympics qualification, the Chinese people's enthusiasm for sport onto a new height. Some listed companies are also targeting this opportunity, have the layout of the sports industry in transition. led stadium light early as last October, the State Council issued the 'Opinions accelerate the development of sports industry to promote sports consumption' (the 'Opinion'), the industry was clear that the sports industry is a signal change. 'Opinions' said 2025 China is to basically establish a rational layout, complete functions, wide range of sports industry system, then the total size of China's high power led flood light industry will be more than 5 trillion yuan. backpfrontp at 5000000000000 positive stimulus, A-share listed companies in droves, have the sports industry in transition. August 31 this year, Lehman photoelectric announcement that the company introduced 1000W LED flood light and PE double main industry development strategy, proposed changes to the securities referred Lehman shares. As a sponsor of the Super League, in the semi-annual report said Lehman photoelectric, sports marketing market prospects, is cut into large sports industry, an important entrance. backpfrontp main industry slump is the main cause of transformation through restructuring to improve performance, it is a common practice in recent years, listed companies. In the case of Internet + craze has not fully faded, the sports industry has become the meat and potatoes of the capital market.led bay light The reason why these companies make the transformation, largely because of the embarrassment of facing the same \u0026 mdash; \u0026 mdash; the main industry of appetite. backpfrontp semi-annual report, Lehman photoelectric achieved operating income 168 million yuan, down 16.38%; net profit of 19.8254 million yuan, an increase of 5.27%. Clearly, the company's main business has now signs of sluggish growth. Rhine home in the first half loss of 25.9271 million yuan, 203.74 percent drop in net profit, the performance of listed companies in the same industry in the downstream.led arena light Malaise main industry allow the company to accelerate the stripping real estate business, in June the company announced that the company intends all shares owned by the company or part of a plurality of home ownership transfer.Cross-border restructuring of listed companies risks backpfrontp although restructuring of listed companies will seek to contribute to sustainable development of the company, but the transition should be cautious, especially cross-border restructuring will enter a new field and other reasons, due to the lack of experience to bring unpredictable risk. After all listed companies in transition a few cases of failure.For some huge space for development of the gym light industry, listed companies chasing enthusiasm is very high, from hand travel, Internet banking to the sports industry are to be so. But the Nuggets listed companies want the sports industry, this 5 trillion yuan gold, there are many things to be done. There is a market analysts said that although the state to develop the sports industry, but competition is fierce in this area, listed companies are some of the fundamental transformation of old enterprises, the main business of deep-rooted, more difficult transition of new industry, tennis court light and China's sports industry is still in its infancy consumer attitudes residents have not yet formed. Listed Companies layout sports industry, in order to get a return is a long process.