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Golden Globe Voting Micro-channel Open Soon Your 'friends Group' Enough Cattle---led Stadium Floodlights

Golden Globe Voting Micro-channel Open Soon Your 'friends Group' Enough Cattle---led Stadium Floodlights


 [text / Engineering LED Xiongyu Heng] Previously, Engineering LED stadium light Golden Globe election committee will be extended to the registration time on September 13, in order to have more companies can get involved, lifting the trophy gold. Up to now, there are a number of companies enter the contest. The following September 17, the Golden Globe Award will be formally entered into the most crucial phase micro-channel voting. Organizing Committee, said before the vote started micro-letter (to September 16), most companies still carry their own characteristics, the most competitive products to participate in the selection. Last chance, waits for no man. backpfrontp as Engineering high power LED flood light Golden Globe nominated and winning the most important reference, this micro-channel voting proportion reached 70%, and the remaining 30% by the judges scoring decision. By then, companies need to mobilize their friends and relatives to participate in micro-channel voting, your friends and relatives enough cattle, you will become the key to winning even nominated. 1000W LED flood light staged in this blustery day, anybody's game industry, companies want to achieve sustained and rapid development, there is a good product is not enough light, but also has a strong brand influence. Committed intention to do products, adhere to brand the Engineering LED Golden Globes is that you show yourself, beyond the self, to achieve the dream stage. backpfrontp addition to the pre-publicity campaign, finalists will be able to get in the scene impressions, videos scrollable display their products in the exhibition venue by LED large screen (limited to 15 seconds), it is expected to be issued by the Organizing Committee of the annual industry Most gold trophy. Meanwhile, the short-listed companies to provide full personal brand marketing services by the Engineering LED tunnel light brand planning team. backpfrontp Since September 17, the Golden Globes this year's micro-channel voting session open. Preliminary estimates, this Golden Globe micro-channel voting deadline is October 26. So, hurry to launch your friends and relatives to vote now vote backpfrontp specific way: If you have concerns Engineering LED bay light official micro letter, please click Engineering LED gym light net official micro-channel below the menu bar Golden Globes - I want to vote to vote!. backpfrontp If you do not focus on engineering LED micro letter, please pay attention to the official micro-channel network Engineering LED street lighting (Micro Signal: weixin-gg-led), then click on the Engineering LED official micro-channel below the menu bar Golden Globes - I want to vote to Vote That can. backp