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LED Bulbs To Replace The Lamp Of Choice For The Fourth Quarter Is Expected To Step Into Alternative Stage

LED Bulbs To Replace The Lamp Of Choice For The Fourth Quarter Is Expected To Step Into Alternative Stage


frontp brands in April to start a price war LED stadium light, major plant have launched a new version in response, and the old inventory after four months of digestion, Epistar, LED lighting orders of the new century has seen reflux is about 9 to 12 months into Europe, America and the peak season for lights, control the current price of high power LED flood light, the fourth quarter will enter a phase of absolute alternative. backpfrontp two major chip factory in Taiwan were recognized in September orders for LED lighting reflux, Epistar said the second quarter, the fourth quarter is the peak season for lights terminal market, fab usually in the second to the third quarter of the 4th quarter of the terminal market reaction demand, 4th quarter sales terminal if good enough, there will be a wave covering inventory needs. Epistar 1000W LED flood lighting customers in September under a single case better than in August, the number continued to climb upward, but the crystal electric capacity large, is still only sporadic firing of customer orders, whether comprehensive warmed remains to be seen. backpfrontp the new century, said that in September there will be relatively decent rebound, in addition to warm LED street lighting orders, Japan and South Korea because of changes in the flip-chip TV customer specifications, in September began to restart up the goods, September revenue opportunity to render 2 digit growth, the overall operation should have the opportunity in June to July bottoming. backpfrontp packaging plant East Bay, pointed out that from September to December in Europe, the United States for lights season, from April Philips began to reposition itself a price war, and guide each brand factory follow-up, major plant also introduced more competitive because of the new bulb should , after four months old inventory digestion, has been almost clear, plus the price of LED bay light has equal energy saving lamps, LED bulbs for lights is absolutely no doubt the first choice, entered the fourth quarter is expected to replace the absolute phase. backpfrontp LED packaging factory also analyzed the past two to three years, the blue-chip prices diving style decline, the second quarter began, the price war intensively, LED tunnel light supply chain forced to adjust inventory, and to propose new version in response to Taiwan a packaging plant from design improvements and cut costs and therefore improve the cost structure through LED bulb design, than the blue chips down more and more efficient, thus slowing price pressures blue chips, in addition to the seasonal price cuts, diving style drop unlikely, while demand is about to enter the traditional peak season and face strong US economic recovery this year, the strength of the 4th quarter gym light industry should be expected. backpfrontp As for TV backlighting aspect, Epistar is still a conservative, mainly depreciation of the purchasing power of national currencies, there is no large-scale international events this year incentive, TV backlight in addition to urgent orders release, the fundamentals did not change much. backp