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Kaho ea The Complete Chain 'mesebelisoa ea' maraka - Technology - - Manufacturing' Interpretation Of The Country Star Power

Kaho ea The Complete Chain 'mesebelisoa ea' maraka - Technology - - Manufacturing' Interpretation Of The Country Star Power


Ka mor'a hore InvenLux e reke karolo ea 62.5%, matla a linaleli a naha (002449.SZ) a thunya hape, sena ha se ho reka k'hamphani, empa ho reka lisebelisoa. Phatlalatso ea la 19 Mphalane, LED stdium mabone k'hamphani e rekile sehlopha sa mochini oa terata o lebelo le holimo le mochini o kenyang mochini o tsoang lebaleng la pele la matsoho a microelectronics le ASM. backpfrontp country naleli ea matla litulong tse bohareng tsa mokhoa oa ho hokahanya lia iponahatsa. Re nka boiqapelo ba tšebelisano-'moho, indasteri e bohareng le e tlase re buisana khafetsa le basebetsi ba botekgeniki ho fihlela kopanyo ea khokahano ea lisebelisoa le kopanyo. Naleli ea naha Dr. Li Cheng, motlatsi oa mookameli oa kakaretso, o tiisitse maikutlo a mongoli. backpfrontp R \u0026 D lisebelisuoa + taolo ea litšenyehelo LED lebaleng la mabone indasteri e le kakaretso indasteri ketane tlhophiso ea ba seng bakae ba neng ba tšehetsa Rising country star matla a matla a motse-moholo le khamphani ea lipatlisiso le ntshetsopele, ho thehoa ha Resource - Technical - Manufacturing - Ketane e felletseng ea 'maraka. Ho kenyeletsoa ka nts'etsopele ea tataiso ea mahlale a macha, sehlahisoa se tloaelehileng le ntlafatso ea ts'ebetso, leseli le matla le lebisitsoeng la likhohola le nts'etsopele ea tharollo, le mesebetsi e meng e mengata ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele bakeng sa litlhoko tse ikhethang tsa bareki, libaka tse bohareng le tse tlase tsa k'hamphani ea R \u0026 D. basebetsi ke tšebelisano 'me ba thehile mofuta oa tloaelo ea tšebelisano-'moho ea ntlafatso. backpfrontp (tseo hammoho li tšohlang mekhoa ea ho buisana) ho rarolla mathata a mangata a sebetsang ka katleho. Ka ketane e ts'oanang ea lisebelisoa tsa hardware le software le lisebelisoa tsa batho re khona ho fihlela khokahanyo e lekaneng ea ho arolelana, mokhoa o sebetsang hantle le o bolokang litšenyehelo. Ngaka Li Cheng o senotse. backpfrontp 2015 lilemo tsa theko ea 'maraka ha li joalo ka tšimoloho ea indasteri e lebeletsoeng,1000W led flood light product prices and margins are in expoted rate of the coming, lik'hamphani tse ngata ka lebaka la ho fokotseha ha phaello e kholo, likhaello tsa phallo ea chelete le lintlha tse ling, li tla tsepamisa maikutlo ho tsona. mokhoa oa ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa sehlahisoa, ho batla phaello e ngata e kholo, ho hlokomoloha boqapi ba theknoloji. backpfrontp e fokotsa litšenyehelo ka boeona ka nepo, ho bona feela mokhoa oa ho fokotsa litšenyehelo. Likhoebo tse ling ho sa tsotelehe boleng ba sehlahisoa le khetho ea lisebelisoa tse tala tse sa tšepahaleng Mokhoa oa Banded, le o sa rateheng. Mme ka ho tsitlallela popontshwa ya tekheniki le ho hodisa tlhahiso ho fokotsa ditjeho, ke tsela ya nako e telele. Hoa utloahala hore naleli ea naha matla a selemo le selemo ke seng ka tlase ho 4% ea thekiso e entseng matsete a lipatlisiso, a kopantsoe le katoloso e tšoanang ea tekanyo ea tlhahiso, ho matlafatsa tlholisano, empa hape le tlhahlobo ea litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso. backpfrontp capital capital + maraka kamohelo backpfrontp ho tloha 2015, ho eketseha ha mosebetsi oa mmaraka oa motse-moholo, lik'hamphani tse pakang mabone a kotopo ea LED li ipapisitse le merero ea bona ea nts'etsopele, ka ho le letona la k'hamphani e shebiloeng e atolositse lekala la mohloaare. Ho fapana le lik'hamphani tse ling tse thathamisitsoeng 'marakeng oa lichelete hangata li sisinyeha, matla a linaleli a naha tabeng ena ha aa ka a etsa joalo. Ho bile le khakanyo ea hore k'hamphani ea Rising e matla haholo, leha ho le joalo, ha se 'nete. Motsamaisi oa matla a naha, mookameli oa kakaretso, o itse Dr. Wang Sen: Bakeng sa ho reka, matla a linaleli a naha a 'nile a tšoara kelello e bulehileng, empa hape a na le tšepo ea ho sebelisana le lik'hamphani tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tsa indasteri ho batla menyetla e metle ea tsoelo-pele, empa sethaleng sena. ha e so kopane le ntho e nepahetseng. backpfrontp le InvenLux e ba e 'ngoe ea tse seng kae tse lehlohonolo. InvenLux main LED arena lighs epitaxial wafers and chips, semiconductor lighting, photovoltaic module development, tlhahiso; Boenjiniere ba litsamaiso tsa LED, kaho ea morero oa mabone a mabone a litoropo; moralo oa mabone, libakeng tse kang matla a phahameng a ultraviolet chip o na le theknoloji e ikhethang le likarolo tsa 'maraka. Backpfrontp e ke keng ea latoloa hore InvenLux e ekelitse, e ka thusa naleli ea naha ho fetola le ho ntlafatsa sebopeho sa sehlahisoa, chip ea morao-rao e na le tlholisano e itseng ho ntlafatsa karolo eo. backpfrontp ka thoko indasteri e ka sehloohong ea sephutheloana sa LED sa ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso e ntse e sa re, moruo oa maraka oa 'maraka oa gym oa LED oa selemo sena ha se tikoloho eohle, e nkuoa e le naleli e ntseng e phahama ea khoebo ea mabone a matla a naha ke keketseho e tsitsitseng. . Tšusumetso ea Brand, matla a naleli ea naha a tloha ho sephutheloana sa leseli la likhohola la RGB ho ea lits'ebetsong tse tlase. backpfrontp Guoxing lebone la khoebo le shebaneng le mabone a khoebo, lihlahisoa tsa mabone, tse tlatsitsoeng ke phallo ea sehlopha. Lighting Division Xu Zhenfeng, mookameli kakaretso, o ile a re selemong sena ka downlights, siling, T5 stent mabone le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa mantlha, kgolo e ne e totobetse ka ho khetheha, 'me a bontša tsoelo-pele e ntle. Lihlahisoa tse phahameng, bareki ba ntse ba eketseha, boiteko ba sehlopha sa litsebi, ke rona sesosa se tobileng sa boemo bona. 'Mapa oa contour backpfrontp naha ea linaleli matla a ketane e felletseng ea indasteri e hlakileng le ho feta, matla a capital, thekenoloji e tšehetsang, ho ntlafatsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso, kamohelo ea mebaraka, tlohella likarolo tse holimo, tse bohareng le tse tlase tsa papali e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe li se ke tsa senyeha, litšebelisano li tla thehoa tlhōlisano e eketsehileng e hlahile. mokokotlo