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Avstraliya xori chorakning uchinchi chorak natijalari

Avstraliya xori chorakning uchinchi chorak natijalari "Epitaxial" kremniy konvertatsiya qilishning ikki loyihasini oshirish uchun "Ikkilamchi" natijalarini oshirdi


[text / Engineering LED stadium lights Zhao Hui] spent the first half of the net revenue increase in both the good old days, Western Australia VSC in the third quarter appears to have been increasingly falling demand and fierce competition dragged into the third quarter, its Daromad va sof foyda ham nojo'ya vaziyatning pasayishini ko'rsatdi. High power led flood light October 30 evening, LED epitaxial chip companies Western Australia VSC (002245.SZ) disclosed the 2015 third quarter report. The report shows that Australian foreign Shunchang achieved third quarter operating income of 369 million yuan, down 10.87%,1000W LED flood light attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 48.5543 million yuan, down 5.25 percent. Orqaga chiqish 2015 yilning birinchi yarmida Avstraliya xorijiy Shununangning o'sishi va sof foydasida 9,73% va 71,17% ga etdi. backpfrontp earnings data show that in 2015 1--9 months, the Australian foreign Shunchang operating income of 1.118 billion yuan, an increase of only 2.61%;RGB LED flood light attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 181 million yuan, up 50.91 foizlar o'sishi. LED ishi - bu yaxshi holatda ishlab chiqarish va operatsiya, ishlab chiqarish liniyasi to'liq ishlab chiqarish holatida, mahsulot sotish hajmi yaxshiroqdir. £ - Australian foreign Shunchang secretaries said that the current Australian foreign Shunchang been part of the extension into the production of 4-inch piece of equipment. The company continues to increase R \u0026 D investment in LED tunnel lights technology, flip-chip technology has gradually matured and partly put into mass production, and improve the overall technical strength. backpfrontp Australian foreign Shunchang Third Extraordinary General Assembly resolutions in 2014 had said the company proposed public offering of convertible bonds, plans to raise total funds not more than 510 million yuan, the total investment in the company's LED arena lights epitaxial wafers and chips Industrialization Project ( ikki davr). 2015 yil 5 may, Avstraliya xorijiy Shununangda konvertatsiya qilinadigan obligatsiyalarni ommaviy ravishda taklif qilish bo'yicha komissiya tomonidan tasdiqlangan tasdiqlash hujjatlarini qabul qildi. backpfrontp 2015 .8.21, the Australian foreign Shunchang 2015 First Extraordinary General Assembly passed the 'motion on the extension of the validity of the resolution of convertible bonds the shareholders' meeting.' Kapital bozorning dolzarb holatini hisobga olgan holda, hozirgi kungacha Avstraliya xorijiy Shununangning konvertangen obligatsiyalari berilmagan. backpfrontp £ - also said that if the convertible bonds can not be issued on time will have some impact on the company's LED epitaxial wafers and chips Industrialization Project (Phase II). When talking about LED gym lights progress in the second phase of construction, £ - he said that the current LED built two plants, two projects in the PSS (image substrate) section has been completed, can provide some conventional LED tennis court lights sapphire substrate to a project end. 2015 yilda Orqaga Avstraliya xorijiy Shununang ham Internet + strategiyasini amalga oshirdi, ammo birinchi yarmida yangi energiya transport vositalari, Internet maydonining rejalashtirilgan rejalarini to'xtatdi. Avstraliya xorijiy Shununangning ta'kidlashicha, o'tgan yili kompaniya strategik rivojlanish rejasini e'lon qildi, kompaniya rivojlanayotgan, yuqori o'sish sanoatini kiritish uchun turli xil usullarni namoyish etmoqda, yangi daromad o'sish nuqtasini tezda o'stiring. backp